By Carla Lardizabal on Wednesday, 23 November 2011
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Hi all! I'm looking into what health workers/users and health programs like to see in a vaccine carrier and/or what specifications they wish vaccine carriers had. In particular, what are you looking for in a vaccine carrier that is used for outreach activities to remote or hard-to-reach areas for immunization events? In this "wish list," here are some things to consider: duration of cold life - ? vaccine storage capacity - ? weight - ? physical dimensions - ? shape - ? price point - ? As always, your feedback is much anticipated and appreciated!
Dear Carla, If you look into the PQS documentation at: Vaccine carrier PQS performance specification, E04/VC01.2 pdf, 121kb PQS independent-type testing protocol, E04/VC01-VP.2 pdf, 109kb You will find our requirements for vaccine carriers. One thing we wish to see soon is to have more vaccine carriers that have a freezing prevention feature. For now the only VC prequalified that has this feature is the coldpack (E004/001) Kind regards, Denis
12 years ago
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"I wish": Weight is certainly an issue. 4 icepack Vaccine Carriers were unpopular with field workers because of their extra weight. However holdover time is important. 24 to 48 hours would be very useful.
12 years ago
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