Amélioration de la couverture et de l'équité de la vaccination - Ressources techniques

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Ressource MI4A Vaccine Purchase Data for Countries - 2022
Objectif To report on vaccine purchase data.
Contenu MI4A Vaccine Purchase data- contains information on vaccine prices, volumes, manufacturers, procurement modalities, contract length and more as reported by over 150 countries. Provides information on vaccine, manufacturer, presentation, dosage number, WHO PQ status, procurement mechanisms, contract length, annual number of dosage, price per dose in USD.
There is a disclaimer that the information contained in this database is provided by participating countries that have reported vaccine price and procurmenet data through the WHO/UNICEF JRF. Participating countries are solely responsible for the accuracy of the data provided.
Vaccine-specific market studied are also available, analysing global demand and supply prospects for individual vaccines. The studies identify areas of risk for sustainable access to vaccine supply and define mitigating actions. Global Vaccine market reports are available, regional reports, as well as vaccine specific market studies for BCG, D&T, HPV, measles containing, meningococcal, pneumococcal, rabies, typhoid, rota. The reports provide information on the global supply and demand, as well as information on the areas for action that WHO will concentrate on in the short-, mid- to long-term.
Utilisation Does not require user input. Since this is a database, might take some time to find the necessary information.
Contraintes/Limitations Information contained in the MI4A database is provided by participating countries which are solely responsible for the accuracy of the data.
Exemples de critères que cette ressource pourrait traiter Covers a wide range of data to support criteria considerations for economic impact and sustainability, as well as supply prospects of vaccines.
Si disponible, notes sur le processus de développement Building on existing efforts, MI4A provides a global perspective on vaccine markets, responding to WHA Resolutions and WHO SAGE requests for action. In particular, MI4A aims to identify and address affordability and shortage issues for self-funding and self-procuring countries that are mostly excluded from international support. MI4A leverages the success of the WHO Vaccine Product, Price and Procurement (V3P) project.
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