Amélioration de la couverture et de l'équité de la vaccination - Ressources techniques

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Ressource Typhoid burden of disease and potential benefits of new typhoid conjugate vaccines (TCVs)
Objectif The country-specific resources are designed to be used by anyone interested in advocating for typhoid control and prevention in their country.
Contenu These country-specific resources outline the burden of typhoid (provided by the Global Burden of Disease study) and the potential benefits of new typhoid conjugate vaccines in each country.
Utilisation They are designed to be used by anyone interested in advocating for typhoid control and prevention in their country.
Exemples de critères que cette ressource pourrait traiter Burden of disease, health impact
Si disponible, notes sur le processus de développement These country-specific resources outline the burden of typhoid (provided by the Global Burden of Disease study).
Liens supplémentaires
Lien d'accès à la ressource /fr/component/content/article/typhoid-burden-of-disease-and-potential-benefits-of-new-typhoid-conjugate-vaccines-tcvs?catid=665&Itemid=101