
Dear colleagues,

In case you are interested the following RFP has been published on the UN Marketplace website:


The purpose of the consultancy is to support countries to conduct cold chain and...

Dear colleagues,

In case you are interested the following RFP has been published on the UN Marketplace website:


The purpose of the consultancy is to support countries to conduct cold chain and Effective Vaccine Management (EVM) assessments as part of COVID-19 vaccine deployment.

Please share with your networks. Many thanks.

  1.   Uwamahoro Kayitesi Chantal
  2.   96 Vues
  3.   3 Réponses
  4. Dernière réponse par Aisha Gaffer
Terminées Verrouilléee En cours


Dear colleagues, if you missed the presentation on EVM2 at the TechNet Conference last month, please find below a link to the video recording on YouTube:


You can also find the slides that were presented here:


Dear colleagues, if you missed the presentation on EVM2 at the TechNet Conference last month, please find below a link to the video recording on YouTube:


You can also find the slides that were presented here:


  1.   Uwamahoro Kayitesi Chantal
  2.   53 Vues
  3.   1 Réponses
  4. Dernière réponse par Evodie Mudaheranwa
Terminées Verrouilléee En cours

The demand for cold chain storage has increased as more temperature-sensitive health products become available for primary health care service delivery. What could be the practical solution to safely manage the storage and transport of these...

The demand for cold chain storage has increased as more temperature-sensitive health products become available for primary health care service delivery. What could be the practical solution to safely manage the storage and transport of these products without causing too much burden on the cold chain? Learn from countries achieving supply chain efficiency through an integrated approach.

Do you have any experience with integration? What do you think of this approach? 


  1.   Uwamahoro Kayitesi Chantal
  2.   46 Vues
  3.   0 Réponses
Terminées Verrouilléee En cours

How much more are we willing to pay for a vaccine that can be used outside the cold chain? Are the trade-offs of paying more for a CTC-qualified vaccine worthwhile? How and when is CTC a good investment for national immunization programs? This...

How much more are we willing to pay for a vaccine that can be used outside the cold chain? Are the trade-offs of paying more for a CTC-qualified vaccine worthwhile? How and when is CTC a good investment for national immunization programs? This presentation will address these questions, presenting the key economic arguments in favor of CTC implementation from a country perspective.

Have you heard of or have any experience with CTC?

Let us know if you have any question! 


  1.   Uwamahoro Kayitesi Chantal
  2.   53 Vues
  3.   0 Réponses
Terminées Verrouilléee En cours

Measles and rubella vaccines are safe and effective, however, achieving equitable coverage, particularly for the second dose of measles containing vaccine (MCV2) is well below the 95% target of immunized children. Consequently, there were over...

Measles and rubella vaccines are safe and effective, however, achieving equitable coverage, particularly for the second dose of measles containing vaccine (MCV2) is well below the 95% target of immunized children. Consequently, there were over 140,000 deaths globally, in 2018.

Novel and improved vaccine delivery platforms such as microarray patches (MAPs) are needed to address the increasing challenge of achieving and sustaining effective vaccination of MRVs, to achieve the eradication of measles and rubella, a goal set by the WHO and partners. MAPs offer competitive advantages over needle and syringe (NS) vaccine delivery:

  • They have a potential to be more thermostable and freeze resistant
  • They do not require reconstitution resulting in an improved safety profile
  • They are easier to use, do not contain sharps
  • They are more acceptable by caregivers and vaccinees.

Measles and rubella MAPs (MR-MAPs) will soon enter phase one clinical trials and although early in development, critical actions are needed to prepare the pathway for late stage product development and mitigate against delays in scale up. 

How, where and when are we going to use microarray patches to deliver #measles and #rubella vaccines?



  1.   Uwamahoro Kayitesi Chantal
  2.   50 Vues
  3.   0 Réponses
Terminées Verrouilléee En cours

The recording and the presentation of the TechNet Conference session on OpenLMIS are now available.

End visibility of logistic data is a key factor for ensuring products availability to our communities. The session, present the latest OpenLMIS...

The recording and the presentation of the TechNet Conference session on OpenLMIS are now available.

End visibility of logistic data is a key factor for ensuring products availability to our communities. The session, present the latest OpenLMIS CoVID edition as a rapid adaptation of a global good to support supply chains during COVID.

Presentation: https://www.technet-21.org/en/library/main/6666-openlmis-covid-edition-to-support-supply-chains-during-covid


  1.   Uwamahoro Kayitesi Chantal
  2.   36 Vues
  3.   0 Réponses
Terminées Verrouilléee En cours

Did you miss the TechNet conference session on the Vaccine Innovation Prioritisation Strategy (VIPS)?

VIPS represents an unprecedented three-year collaboration between the Gavi Secretariat, World Health Organization (WHO), Bill & Melinda Gates...

Did you miss the TechNet conference session on the Vaccine Innovation Prioritisation Strategy (VIPS)?

VIPS represents an unprecedented three-year collaboration between the Gavi Secretariat, World Health Organization (WHO), Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF), United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and PATH – known as the VIPS Alliance - to develop a single integrated framework to evaluate and prioritise innovations in vaccine product delivery that meet country needs. The goal of VIPS is to provide greater clarity to manufacturers and partners to inform and influence investment decisions, and to drive these innovations forward. This presentation discusses the prioritisation process, the 3 prioritised innovations / approaches and the proposed next steps to advance them.

So make yourself some coffee or tea, and enjoy the content! 


  1.   Uwamahoro Kayitesi Chantal
  2.   54 Vues
  3.   0 Réponses
Terminées Verrouilléee En cours

Dear members of East African Countries,

Only one day to go until the beginning of the TechNet conference! We hope you'll get to learn a lot from the wide range of topics and discussions led by world-class experts. 

If you want to know what's...

Dear members of East African Countries,

Only one day to go until the beginning of the TechNet conference! We hope you'll get to learn a lot from the wide range of topics and discussions led by world-class experts. 

If you want to know what's coming, the full conference program, including session descriptions, list of all presenters, and the all-important Zoom links, is now available here: www.technet-21.org/conference/2020/agenda. All times are Central European Time (CET). 

If you haven't registered yet: https://www.technet-21.org/en/conference/2020 


See you tomorrow! 

Your TechNet team 

  1.   Moderator
  2.   59 Vues
  3.   0 Réponses
Terminées Verrouilléee En cours

Dear Colleagues,
We are very delighted to welcome you all to this EAC Immunisation Managers’ CoP. Thank you so much for signing up. This makes us look forward to a vibrant CoP. To that end, we wish to keep growing the membership. We thus encourage...

Dear Colleagues,
We are very delighted to welcome you all to this EAC Immunisation Managers’ CoP. Thank you so much for signing up. This makes us look forward to a vibrant CoP. To that end, we wish to keep growing the membership. We thus encourage you to invite more colleagues to join the Community.

Let me invite and encourage you to start the conversation(s). Here is the video link of how to do it again:

Meanwhile, please take time to explore and also take advantage of the abundant resources available on TechNet-21 such as the COVID-19 page: https://www.technet-21.org/en/topics/covid-19

I also wish to notify you of the upcoming Annual TechNet Conference (next month), which will include extensively coverage of Covid-19 as a major theme, alongside other themes such as supply chain, CCE, etc. Look out for more info and invitations at the end of this week.

Best wishes,

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