Mercredi 29 Janvier 2014
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This IVB document is now online at WHOLIS WHO-UNICEF guidelines for developing a comprehensive multi-year plan (cMYP)(WHO/IVB/14.01) This updated document provides guidance to countries to make national comprehensive multi-year strategic plans (cMYP) for immunization, using the Global Vaccine Action Plan (GVAP) 2011–2020 as a guiding framework. It provides a new approach to planning that can be summarized as follows: 1. Ensuring that the strategies in the plan are sufficiently comprehensive using the GVAP as a guide. 2. Better alignment of immunization and health sector strategies to strengthen ownership, solve shared problems and ensure maximum utilization of resources. 3. Planning by immunization system components rather than by disease or initiative. 4. Including costing and financing strategies for the immunization programme. 5. Ensuring active participation of relevant actors at all levels. 6. Equity in access to immunization services, and monitoring and accountability for the results have been entrenched into the document. The document takes the reader through the process of planning with examples of each step for illustration and guidance. The seven steps for creating a comprehensive multi-year plan include: conducting situational analysis; setting national objectives and milestones; planning strategies and key activities by immunization system components; reviewing planned activities against GVAP activities; making an activity timeline and monitoring and evaluation framework; costing, financing and resource mobilization for the cMYP; then putting the cMYP into action through getting the necessary national level endorsements, developing an annual plan for the relevant year from MYP, integrating and consolidating activities for implementation. Additionally, there is guidance on summarizing the document into few pages to facilitate use for advocacy. Thank you. Regards, the IVB Document Centre
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