By Tewedaj on Vendredi 2 Septembre 2022
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My name is Tewedaj, Ethiopia,

I am a Certified Public Health Professional with over 10 years of progressive experience in the District health system; I coordinated and led the public health emergency response teams at Jimma University as a surveillance division leader during the Pandemic. Currently, I am working as a child health coordinator, and technically support child health more importantly immunization programs, monitoring and evaluation, gap assessments, capacity building, and evidence-based performance improvement.

I am thrilled to be a part of TechNet-21. I am attracted to the goal of the network, which is to strengthen immunization services through sharing experiences, coordinating activities, and helping to formulate optimal policies.

Topic-Real-time remote temperature monitoring system

The big issue I am going to discuss, put some issues about real-time RTMS, as we all know keeping the vaccine potency is a global concern due to cold chain-related technical problems, more effort by professionals is expected on monitoring refrigerator temperature alarms, strengthening cold chain system, collection of data, working on temperature alarm reports, provides alerts notifications and intervention unquestionable. 

The main distinction RTRTMS is that internet communication channels, No unique transmitters or receivers are needed for it. The exchange of information will take place over an active internet. The refrigerator temperature monitoring system will transmit data continuously from each temperature data logger…….. let me stop here, if some needs my idea I am here to work with him, so If you give me some time I Will share some of my points, thank you for your time,

With best regard

Tewedaj Befekadu.

Good morning Tewedaj,

my name is Stefano and I'm working as DHIS2 implementer (health content) with the University of Oslo.

It could be interested for you (in case you are not already aware) this android application done by a master student in our university.

Here you can find the post in the DHIS2 Community of Practice and here the presentation done during the DHIS2 Annual Conference 2022

1 year ago
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Good morning Tewedaj

My name is Gilles Ries and I work with Bmedcialsystems on cold chain solutions, including the RTMDs, which we also are operating in Ethiopia sometimes with challenges.

I would be interested talking to you about your proposal.



1 year ago
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Hello Tewedaj,

Thank you for your message. Parsyl works in the cold chain monitoring solution / RTMS space addressing many of the concerns you have highlighted in your post. We would be interested in speaking with you to learn more about what you are seeing in Ethiopia.

When would you be available to chat?

Thank you,

1 year ago
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