Vendredi 18 Août 2023
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WHO Department of Immunization, Vaccines, and Biologicals (IVB) and partners have published a study in Vaccine: “Modeling the impact of vaccination for the Immunization Agenda 2030 (IA 2030): Deaths averted due to vaccination against 14 pathogens in 194 countries from 2021 to 2030”

This study highlights the potential impact of achieving the IA2030 vision on a global scale. It demonstrates an aspirational coverage scenario for vaccines against 14 pathogens and estimates the number of future deaths averted due to vaccination delivered from 2021 – 2030 in 194 WHO Member States.

The results of this analysis are being used as targets for the Impact Goal indicator 1.1 “Number of future deaths averted through immunization” as part of the IA2030 Monitoring and Evaluation framework.


Key findings:

  • Overall, vaccinations administered between the years 2021 and 2030 could avert an estimated 51.5 million (95 % CI: 44.0–63.2) deaths
  • With immunization coverage projected to increase over 2021–2030, an average of 5.2 million per year (4.4–6.3) deaths will be averted annually
  • The largest proportion of deaths is attributed to Measles and Hepatitis B accounting for 18.8 million (17.8–20.0) and 14.0 million (11.5–16.9) of total deaths averted respectively
  • Vaccination will have the largest impact on low income and lower middle income countries (75% of total deaths averted) and in the African region (45% of total deaths averted)


For more details, please read the article here.

Please read the companion article “Achieving immunization agenda 2030 coverage targets for 14 pathogens: projected product and immunization delivery costs for 194 countreis, 2021-2030” published in April 2023

To track annual progress against the targets, please check the IA2030 scorecard page for Impact Goal indicator 1.1

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