Mercredi 12 Juin 2013
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This report covers the highlights of the meeting held in April 2013 in Geneva.

The various sessions covered the following topics:

Session I. Framework of the Unvaccinated
The presentation covered the components of the Tools for Identifying Root Causes of Children Remaining Unvaccinated (UnVacc Toolkit).


Session II. Immunization Session Checklist
Three presentations were given during this session in order to provide an overview of experiences in the Patient Safety Programme, its relevance to EPI and the progress to date.


Session III. Global Updates A. Update on Immunization in Practice
Presentation topics included:
A. Update on Immunization in Practice
B. Update from the Global Advisory Committee on Vaccine Safety (GACVS)
C. Update from IPAC presentation to SAGE


Session IV. Immunization Supply Chain and Logistics
Presentation topics included:
A. Working group update and IPAC discussion points


Session V. Controlled Temperature Chain for Meningococcal A vaccine (MenAfrivac®)
Presentation topics include:
A. Report back to IPAC on results and lessons learned from the CTC MenA pilot in Banikoara, Benin


Session VI. Visual cue and the Multi-dose Vial Policy
A. Background and overview
B. Working group update on the visual cue
C. Working group update on multi-dose vial policy
D. Questions, Answers and Next Steps on the MDVP

The Immunization Practices Advisory Committee (IPAC), established in 2010, supports and advises the Director of the Department of Immunization, Vaccines and Biologicals (IVB), with the review and/or formulation of immunization practices, operational standards, tools and technologies to strengthen and improve the delivery of immunization programmes at the country level in order to realize the goals of Global Immunization Vision and Strategies (GIVS) and Global Vaccine Action Plan (GVAP).

IPAC provides advice and recommendations to the Director IVB, on three main interconnected areas:

•Innovation and Strategy
•Tools and technologies

The next IPAC meeting will be held on 16 and 17 October 2013.

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