By Kevin Pilz on Jeudi 19 Janvier 2023
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Dear Technet colleagues,

We hope this email finds you well. We wanted to share with you all an exciting new publication from the USAID's Global Health Supply Chain Program – Procurement and Supply Management (GHSC-PSM) project titled “Driving Last-Mile Solutions to Ensure Access to Public Health Commodities.” The publication is available here: 

USAID's goal in financing this groundbreaking report is to share the lessons learned by GHSC-PSM over its 7+ years of work in over 30 countries, for the benefit of others working to strengthen the supply chain and commodity availability at the last mile, including at the community level. This document will support supply chain decision makers, ministries of health, central medical stores, implementers, donors, and others interested in capitalizing on the lessons learned and utilization of last mile best practices. The report provides practical examples of approaches that supply chain stakeholders can apply in their own last mile programs.
While the report is not focused on immunization systems, it includes cases about vaccination and cold chain (particularly Chapter 3, which has a long case study on delivering COVID-19 Vaccinations in Namibia), and of course most of the lessons and stories are highly relevant! 

We hope you will benefit from reading about these hard-won lessons and potentially consider them as you develop your last-mile strategies. If you do find the report useful, please share it with your colleagues and anyone else that may be interested.

Happy holidays to all!
Paul Dowling, Joolan Saroor, Karlan Jankowski and Kevin Pilz
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