By Géraldine Nemrod on Martes, 19 Abril 2022
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Dear colleagues,  

TechNet-21 invites you to a webinar session: ‘Effective Vaccine Management (EVM): Why is progress so slow?’. There will be 2 sessions, one in EN and one in FR. 

After presenting a summary of the results of the EVM evaluations conducted between 2009 and 2019, and noting the profile between mountains (high scores of investment criteria) and depressions/precipices (low scores of process criteria), sociological and managerial explanations of this situation will be explored before proposing possible solutions and recommendations to managers of EPI programs and logisticians. 


Dates and registration links: 

- Wed 27 April, 8.00 UTC (session in FR, no interpretation)

- Wed 4 May, 8.00 UTC (session in EN, no interpretation)



Mobido Dicko, Senior Engineer, The Balanzan Institute (TBI)

Adama Sawadogo, TBI CEO 

and Abdoulaye Oumar Djigo, Senior Engineer, TBI

Chères et chers collègues, 

Si vous avez manqué la session en français de 'Gestion Efficace des Vaccins : pour quoi le progrès est si long ?', ou si vous voulez revoir la vidéo et télécharger la présentation, voici les liens pour ce faire : 

Si vous souhaitez assister à la version anglaise (sans interprétation), elle se déroulera la semaine prochaine. 

Les détails d'inscription de ce webinaire en anglais : 

Wed 4 May, 8.00 UTC (session in EN, no interpretation) 

Bonne journée à tous 

L'équipe TechNet-21 

2 years ago
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If you missed the TechNet-21 and the Balanzan Institute webinar session on "Effective Vaccine Management (EVM): Why is progress so slow", you can now view the recording and download the presentations in EN and FR. 

Below the links to this session's material, feel free to share these links with other colleagues who would benefit from them.  


2 years ago
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