By Moderator on Thursday, 07 August 2008
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POST 01300E: ALTERNATIVE USE OF PORTABLE STEAM STERILIZERS FOLLOW-UP ON POST01299E 7 AUGUST 2008 ******************************************* An addition to what Michel said. If steam sterilizers are used for sterilizing instruments, it is critical that the instruments are clean before being sterilized. I remember some years ago an ex-soviet country finding that a high proportion of surgical instruments were unsterile even after passing through an autoclave because dried blood had not been cleaned off before autoclaving. Best wishes Anthony Battersby ([email=FBA@COMPUSERVE.COM]FBA@COMPUSERVE.COM[/email]) FBA Health Systems Analysts Dear Karma Yes you can use the pressure cooker by placing a steel stand (usually used for keeping hot vessels on the dining table) in the pressure cooker and water level should be below its top ( the stand is usually more than 1 inch so water level should be 1/2 inch) and then follow Michel advise. Regards Dr Anil Varshney ([email=anilvarshney@YAHOO.COM]anilvarshney@YAHOO.COM[/email]) Post generated using Mail2Forum (
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