By Moderator on Sunday, 11 May 2008
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POST 01264E: EXPERIENCES WITH OUT-OF-COLD-CHAIN VACCINE DISTRIBUTION: PROJECT OPTIMIZE 11 MAY 2008 ******************************************* A request from PATH’s Joanie Robertson for experiences in using Out-of-Cold Chain Vaccine Distribution in your immunization programmes. Please do also share your experiences with the TechNet moderator so that they can be discussed on this forum. Thank you. ----------- Dear TechNet moderator, Joanie Robertson from PATH here. May I please request the following post be made? Thanks! Experience with Out-of-Cold-Chain requested. Writing from the aforementioned WHO/IVB and PATH project team "Optimize: Immunization Systems and Technologies for Tomorrow" with some questions about out-of-cold-chain (OCC) distribution of vaccines. We are interested in hearing from those of you who have had experience using OCC in your immunization program, or who have been involved in discussions considering use of OCC. 1. Has your country used OCC as part of vaccine distribution? If so, please briefly describe your procedures and the environments in which they are used. i. Why did you adopt this practice? ii. Did it meet your expectations? iii. What positive and/or negative results did you observe? iv. Are you still doing it now? If not, why not? 2. Has your country ever considered use of OCC practices as part of vaccine distribution? i. What are the main issues that came up in the discussion? ii. If you decided against it, what were the top one or two reasons? 3. What evidence or guidance would you like to see, and from whom, to assist in making a decision about whether or not to adopt OCC practices in your country? Feel free to respond on the listserv. If you would prefer to reply privately, please direct your information to one of the following, and we will help to ensure that your feedback remains confidential. Responses in French or Spanish are fine. If you would prefer to respond by phone interview, simply email Joanie ([][/email])and she will arrange a time to call you. Many thanks! Joanie Robertson ([][/email]) PATH Craig Shapiro ([][/email]) WHO Post generated using Mail2Forum (
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