By Moderator on Friday, 21 June 2002
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POST 00465E : EUROPE POLIO-FREE 21 June 2002 ____________________________________________________________________ Claudia Drake ( from WHO's Global Polio Eradication Initiative, is pleased to share with us the news that the European Region of WHO has been certified polio-free. Attached are the press releases issued for the occasion, both in English and French. ____________________________________________________________________ I'm very pleased to pass on the good news that the WHO European Region has been certified polio-free this morning by the independent European Commission for the Certification of Poliomyelitis Eradication (RCC) in Copenhagen. Many thanks to all those at WHO, across many different departments, who have worked so hard on polio eradication efforts and contributed to achieving this historic milestone. I attach the press release for those who wish to read more. Disease surveillance and polio immunization must continue in the European Region even after certification, to guard against the ongoing threat of poliovirus importations from the 10 remaining polio-endemic countries. Achieving global eradication still requires the filling of a funding gap of US $275 million for activities through 2005. ##text## ##text##
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